Application Development | Bluetooth | Cyber Security | Digital Signal Processing | Embedded Development | IoT Protocols | Product Development | Training | Wireless Protocol Survey
Application Development
- PC: Windows and Linux
- Mobile: Android and iOS
- .NET – Java – C/C++
- Full stack experience
- Baseband – physical level
- Penetration testing and fuzzing
Cyber Security
- Wireless device and system audits
- Wireless penetration testing
- Protocol fuzzing
Digital Signal Processing
- Signal generation and analysis
- Software defined radio
- FPGA algorithm acceleration
Embedded Development
- IAR, Keil, Segger, MBED
- ARM, Nordic, Silicon Labs
- TI, ST Micro, Arduino
IoT Protocols
- ZigBee – Z-Wave
- Thread – LTE-M
- Wi-Fi – LoRa
Product Development
- Rapid prototyping
- 3D Printing
- CAD/CAM Design
- Internet of Things protocols
- Cyber security
- Wireless communications

Wireless Protocol Survey
- Custom and commercial survey tools
- Packet capture and decoding
- Security analysis